Ethology syllabus

# Class subject
1 Presentation of objectives, contents, bibliography and evaluation. Introduction. Definition of the object of study and methodology in Ethology. Realization of student records and clarification of doubts regarding the functioning of the course.
2 Reception to freshmen. Completion of student records.
3 CLASSICAL ETHOLOGY. The four issues of Tinbergen. Definition of the scope of Ethology. The precursor works of different researchers. Comparative Methodology. Comparative Psychology. First concepts of comparative psychology.
4 THE ORIGINS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Controversy “Nature vs. Learning”. Behavioral Ecology: Scope of research and applications. Sociobiology: Scope of research and applications.
5 CLASSICAL ETHOLOGY. Instinct and Behavior. Classic ethological concepts. Definition of FAP according to the different researchers. Signal stimuli, triggers, mimetics, and behavioral sequence. Specific action energy, vacuum activity, and displacement activity. Models on the organization of instinctive behavior: Psycho-hydraulic model of Lorenz and Hierarchical Model of Tinbergen (group work).
6 ANIMAL PERCEPTION. Sensory processes and perception. Sensory filtering. Visual recognition.
7 ECOLOGY OF SENSES. Visual adaptations to unfavorable environments. Sensory substitut of vision. Visual recognition of prey and predators.
8 THE ANIMAL AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Coordination and orientation. Coordination and movement. Spatial orientation. Navigation.
9 PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENT. Tolerance. Climatization. Biological clocks. Reproductive behavior and physiology Hibernation. Migration. Lunar and semilunar rhythms. Circadian rhythms and daily routines.
10 1st Evaluation Test. Analysis of test scores
11 BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT. Ontogenesis. Environmental influences on behavior. Critical stages in development. Juvenile behavior. innate behavior.
12 LEARNING AS A FACTOR OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT. Biological and evolutionary aspects of learning. Constraints on learning. Learning and avoidance of enemies and avoidance of disease. Relevance of stimuli.
13 LEARNING AS A FACTOR OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT. Cognitive Aspects of Learning. Latent learning. Learning by insight. Social learning. Concept learning. The nature of thought.
14 NATURAL SELECTION. Natural selection, ecology and behavior. Evidence of evolution through natural selection. Ecology and behavior. The adaptability of behavior. Success: Darwinian success.
15 NATURAL SELECTION. Inclusive success. Success in the natural environment. Evolution of adaptive strategies. Evolutionary strategies. Stable evolutionary strategies.
16 EVOLUTION AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR. Sexual and social behavior. Sexual selection. Sexual strategies.
17 EVOLUTION AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR. Altruism. Parental Care. Cooperation.
18 2nd Evaluation Test. Analysis of test scores
19 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY. Energy and feeding behavior. Territoriality. Group life. Social behavior of Primates. The Primates.
20 SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE PRIMATES. Evolution of primates. Mating systems. Evolution of social behavior.
22 RITUALIZATION AND COMMUNICATION. Ritualization. Conflict. Effective communication Evolution and communication. Manipulation.
23 HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Non-verbal human communication. Selection of partners and sexual strategies.
24 HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Family relations and altruism. Territorial behavior and aggression.
25 ANIMAL COMPETENCE. The Mentality of Animals. Language and mental representation. Language. Teaching of human language to great apes. Language and cognition. Mental representation. Intentional behavior.
26 INTELLIGENCE, USE OF TOOLS AND CULTURE. Comparative aspects of intelligence. Use of tools by animals. Cultural Aspects of Behavior.
27 INTELLIGENCE, USE OF TOOLS AND CULTURE. Use of tools by animals (Continuation and conclusion). Cultural Aspects of Behavior.
28 SELF-RECOGNITION AND EMOTION. Self-recognition. Physiological aspects of emotion.
29 SELF-RECOGNITION AND EMOTION. Consciousness and suffering. Evolutionary perspective.
30 3rd Evaluation Test. Analysis of test scores
31 Clarification of doubts and support in carrying out works for the final season.